TYPE 1 - GRANTS Financial assistance awards that are made primarily on the basis of financial need and require no repayment in service or cash. This includes aid programs where the most important criterion is need.
This grant program is administered by the federal government and is based on need and is awarded to undergraduate students. Report the amount of Pell Grant funds received by the undergraduate student.
The SEOG is a grant for undergraduates with the lowest Expected Family Contributions (EFC) and exceptional financial need. Report the amount of SEOG funds received by the undergraduate student.
Report Federal grants and scholarships other than those listed above. Include Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funding, TRIO grants and educational benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
This grant program is administered by the state to full-time, degree seeking undergraduates. Report all Educational Assistance Grants and Campus-based Educational Assistance Grants in this category.
This grant program is administered by the state to students who completed a college preparatory or articulated technical preparatory program. Report all Guaranteed Access Grants in this category.
This grant program is administered by the state for part-time, degree-seeking undergraduates and students who are simultaneously enrolled in a secondary school and an institution of higher education (dually enrolled students). Report all Part-Time Grant recipients in this category.
Report only need-based grants, which are awarded and funded by private sources outside your institution but are processed through your institution. Include private/outside source grants from foundations, individuals, corporations, other states and Maryland state agencies other than MHEC.
Report need-based grants awarded, disbursed, and funded by your institution. These are grants primarily based on need, even though other non-need criteria may be used in programs.
This need-based grant program is administered by the state specifically for students attending private career schools. Report Tolbert Grants awarded to students at your institution in this category.
Include award amounts in this category for students participating in early access programs such as “Dual Enrollment” that are defined as high school students who are enrolled in college courses and receives both high school and college credit for the courses completed. Report all Early College Access Grants awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Branch Program is administered by the federal government. Include award amounts in this category for students who participated in the Federal TEACH Grant Program. Report all TEACH Grants awarded to students at your institution in this category.
This grant program is administered by the federal government and is for students who are not eligible for a Pell Grant because of that program's EFC requirements and whose parent or guardian died as a result of military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after Sept. 11, 2001. Report all Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grants awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship is a last dollar scholarship that is available to students who enroll at a Maryland community college. Eligible students can receive up to $5,000 to cover any remaining tuition and mandatory fee expenses after Federal or state financial aid has been applied. Report all Promise Credit Scholarships awarded to students at your institution in this category.
Any applicant who plans to enroll at the community college as a non-credit “Continuing Education” applicant in a sequence of non-credit courses that leads to licensure or certification or a registered apprenticeship program must: submit either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) OR Maryland State Financial Aid Application (MSFAA) by March 1, with the understanding that that the MSFAA should only be completed by undocumented individuals who are ineligible to receive federal financial aid; and complete the Promise Non-Credit Application online through the MDCAPS portal and meet all other requirements for consideration of the Promise award. Report all Promise Non-Credit Scholarships awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Richard W. Collins III Leadership with Honor Scholarship program provides financial assistance to Maryland residents enrolled at one of the state's Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the ROTC program. Report all Richard Collins Grants awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Near Completer Grant provides financial assistance to Maryland residents who previously enrolled in a degree program, but did not complete it, and
now plan to re-enroll to earn their degree. Report all Near Completer Grants awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The purpose of the One Step Away State Grant Program is to improve college completion by providing associate and bachelor’s degree-granting Maryland institutions with funds to identify, contact, re-enroll, and graduate near-completer students. Report all One Step Away Grant funds awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Second Chance Pell Experiment was first established in 2015 by the Obama-Biden Administration to provide Pell Grants to incarcerated individuals to allow them to participate in postsecondary education programs. Report all Second Chance Pell Experiment funds awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Campus Based Educational Assistance Grant (CBEAG) program is a need-based financial aid program that is designed to financially assist students who were NOT considered for the Howard P. Rawlings Educational Assistance Grant due to NOT filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Maryland State Financial Aid Application (MSFAA) by the Maryland state deadline of March 1.
Next Generation Scholars (NGS) is a state grant program established by Maryland House Bill 1403 (2016) that provides funding for college access
through nonprofit organizations to enhance college and career awareness and college completion for low-income Maryland high school students. The
Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) has been awarded five grants by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to work in
Allegany, Caroline, Dorchester, Kent and Wicomico counties.
TYPE 2 - LOANS Financial assistance that requires repayment in service or cash.
Report the amount of Federal Perkins loans received by the student.
Report the total amount actually borrowed for the year by the student. Include subsidized Stafford loans from the Federal Direct Student loan program (FDSL) and from the Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) program.
Report the total amount actually borrowed for the year by the student. Include unsubsidized Stafford loans from the Federal Direct Student loan program (FDSL) and from the Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) program.
Report the total amount actually borrowed for the year. Include PLUS loans from both the Federal Direct Student loan program (FDSL) and from the Federal Family Education Loans program (e.g., Direct PLUS, and PLUS).
Report the total amount actually borrowed for the year. Include other Federal loans such as Federal Health Professions Student Loans, Federally Insured Nursing Loans, etc.
Report the total amount actually borrowed for the year. This includes loans awarded, disbursed, and funded by the institution. Do not include emergency short-term loans funded by your institution, which require repayment within six months of the loan award date.
Report the total amount actually borrowed for the year. Include loans awarded and funded by private sources outside the institution. Also include loans from foundations.
TYPE 3 - SCHOLARSHIPS Financial assistance awards that are made primarily based on criteria other than demonstrated financial need such as scholastic achievement, athletic skills, community involvement or other criteria. The award may be made from state, federal, institutional, or private sources.
This is a state administered scholarship program for full-time or part-time, degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students. Report the total amount awarded to the undergraduate student through this program.
This is a state administered scholarship program for full-time and part-time, degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students. Report the total amount awarded to the undergraduate student through this program.
This is a state administered scholarship program for full-time and part-time, degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students. Report the total amount awarded to the undergraduate student through this State program.
Report the total amount awarded by the institution to the student through this program. Include awards granted to students for the promotion of desegregation efforts.
Report the total amount awarded to the student through Federal scholarship programs.
Report institutional funds administered by your institution allocated to students based on athletic ability. Programs for which athletic ability is an award criteria should be reported in this category regardless of additional award criteria. Report the total amount awarded to the student through this institutional program.
Report other institutional scholarships where athletic ability is not a criterion. Report the total amount awarded to the student through this institutional program.
Report other scholarships based on athletic ability, which are awarded and funded by private sources outside your institution. Your institution may distribute the money awarded. Programs for which athletic ability is an award criterion should be reported in this category regardless of additional award criteria. Report the total amount awarded to the student through this program.
Report the total amount awarded to the student that are awarded and funded by private sources outside your institution that does not include athletic ability as a criterion. Your institution may distribute the money awarded. Include private/outside source scholarships from foundations, individuals, corporations, other states, and Maryland state agencies other than MHEC.
Report any tuition and fee charges, which are either waived or paid for students enrolled at your institution that are awarded as part of an employment benefit by an institution of higher education in Maryland.
Report any tuition and fee charges that are either waived or paid with institutional funds for senior citizens who are enrolled at the institution.
Report any tuition waivers or remission of fees that do not require repayment in service or cash and which are not need-based for other students enrolled at the institution. Include tuition reductions and waivers under the programs for Health Manpower Shortage Program for Nonresident Nursing Students.
Report in this category institutional scholarships made from your institution’s funds. Include MAPCS Scholarships here.
Report other scholarships, which are awarded and funded by private sources outside your institution. Your institution may distribute the money awarded. Include scholarships from corporations and individuals.
This grant program is administered by the State to full-time and part-time degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students. It is for students who plan on working in specific
career/occupational programs upon graduation. The following former undergraduate state scholarship programs no longer have a separate FAIS category code and have been consolidated
into this grant program: Child Care Provider (1301); Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health, Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Workforce Tuition Assistance Program (1302); Hope
Scholarship Programs (1306-1307); Distinguished Scholar Teacher Education (1308); Maryland Teacher Scholarship (1309); Sharon Christa McAuliffe Memorial Teacher Education Scholarship
(1310); State Nursing Scholarship (1311); Physical and Occupational Therapists and Assistants Grant (1312); Science and Technology (1313); and William Donald Schaefer Scholarship (1328).
Report the total amount for the year awarded to the student through this program.
FT 2-yr - 500
PT 2-yr - 250
FT 4-yr - 1000
PT 4-yr - 250
FT 2-yr - 2000
PT 2-yr - 1000
FT 4-yr - 4000
PT 4-yr - 2000
This grant program is administered by the State and is designed to provide financial assistance to United States armed forces personnel who served in the Afghanistan or Iraq Conflicts, and their sons, daughters, or spouses who are current high school seniors, and full-time and part-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in an eligible accredited Maryland postsecondary institution. Report the total amount awarded to the student through this program.
Report any tuition and fee charges that are either waived or paid with institutional funds for the disabled who are enrolled at the institution.
Report any tuition and fee charges that are either waived or paid with institutional funds for Foster Care recipients who are enrolled at the institution.
Report any tuition and fee charges that are either waived or paid with institutional funds for Homeless Youth enrolled at your institution.
This program is administered by the State and is designed to assist and encourage transfer students from Maryland community colleges to attend a 4-year institution within the State. Report all 2+2 Transfer Scholarship Program funds awarded to students at your institution in this category.
This program is administered by the State and is designed to assist and encourage members of the fire-fighting, ambulance, and rescue organizations serving Maryland communities to pursue credited courses that lead to a degree in fire service technology, emergency medical technology, fire service management, or public safety administration with a minor or concentration in fire service technology or fire service management. Report all Charles Riley Firefighter and Ambulance and Rescue Squad Member Scholarship Program funds awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Cybersecurity Public Service Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to Maryland residents pursuing an education in programs that have been identified by the Secretary of Higher Education as being directly relevant to cybersecurity. Report all Cybersecurity Public Service Scholarship Program funds awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Workforce Development Sequence Scholarship provides financial assistance to students enrolling in an approved non-credit certificate program leading to apprenticeships, employment, licensure, or job skill enhancement only at participating Maryland community colleges. Report all Workforce Development Sequence Scholarship (non-credit) funds awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Workforce Employability and Leadership Skills Program (WELSP) centers on career exploration and educational planning that promotes self-efficacy, supports the advance of leadership curricula, connects youth to professional sectors, and offers the opportunity to build transferable skills required to secure and sustain employment. Report all Gear UP Scholarship Award funds awarded to students at your institution in this category.
This college level coursework can complete the academic day for approved high school students who are progressing toward high school graduation or provide the opportunity to study subject matter that is of interest to the student more broadly. Report all Early College Access Program (ECAP) funds awarded to students at your institution in this category.
The Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship is awarded to students who pledge to work as public school or public prekindergarten teachers in Maryland upon completion of their studies at schools that have at least 50% of the students in the school eligible for free or reduced-price meals (FRPM).
The purpose of the program is to provide tuition assistance for students who are:
Attending an eligible institution and enrolled in a degree program that would further the student's intent to become a police officer or probation agent after graduation; or
employed as a police officer or probation agent, attending an eligible institution, and enrolled in a degree program that would further the police officer's or probation officer's career.
This category is only for independent (MICUA) institutions only and is available for posting the MATCH amount for the Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship (1346). If a student was awarded The Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship, then there MUST be the same amount posted in this category (1348) as an exact match.
A parent or legal guardian of a deaf or hard of hearing child may take one course at an institution of higher education that teaches a language or communication mode that the parent or legal guardian chooses to communicate with their deaf or hard of hearing child.
A recipient who is selected for support under the Educator Shortage Act Teaching program shall receive an initial stipend to support the recipient’s participation in an experimental learning opportunity in a public school or publicly funded pre-kindergarten classroom.
A recipient of the Educator Shortage Act Teaching program must continue to be enrolled in an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program; make satisfactory progress toward a degree and maintain the standards of the institution in which the student is enrolled.
A program recipient must be enrolled in a teacher preparation program at an institution of higher education in the State that, through its course of study, leads to a Maryland Professional Teacher’s Certificate.
TYPE 4 - WORK STUDY Financial assistance awarded to pay for employment provided to undergraduate students based on financial need, merit, or mission-related goals. These also include work-study programs funded by the Federal government, as well as student employment programs financed solely with institutional or other non-governmental funds. However, this category does not include regular employees taking courses or employment that is not part of a formal financial aid package.
Report the aggregate job compensation to students who receive subsidies under the Federal Work-Study Program. Include the federal contribution and the matching funds provided by your institution. Do not include regular employees taking courses or employment that is not part of a formal financial aid package.
Report the aggregate job compensation to students who receive subsidies under the institutional work-study program. Awards under these programs must be administered and funded by the institution. The employment must be administered through the financial aid office and be considered part of the student's financial aid package. Do not include regular employees taking courses or employment that is not part of a formal financial aid package.